The Gay Conspiracy?

So your gay and proud of it.  Have you ever heard of those few people born blind that say they wouldn’t have it any other way?  Would you say they were right?  If you had it in your power would you want them to be able to see?  Here is my way of thinking, I would like to find the cause of the abnormality and fix it.  I don’t hate the blind, the diabetic, the crippled any more than I hate the homosexual, I do view homosexuality as a problem however.  To call it a “choice” is like the blind guy saying he wouldn’t want it any other way, but he 'didn't' have a choice.

The part I hate about this is two fold.  First, I think for people to be calling it a choice is naive, but I actually think that this thinking is encouraged by some powerful forces.  Secondly, this is cause for some and maybe most cases of homosexuality but certainly not all.  Ellen Degeneres would be an example of one not falling into this class, she admits to being assaulted by her father as a child.  I would think that would be reason enough for her not to have anything to do with men but cases like this are purposely grouped together with the others to cloud the issue.  You can call it a lot of things but conspiracy seems to fit it best.


When human life begins it is a wonder of nature, the wonderful orchestra of events that happen at precisely the right time and right place to turn this tiny sperm and egg into a very complicated human being.  Everything has to work right in the right order for the finished product to be what we call perfect yet the individual.  It is the most complex factory ever invented and it runs on automatic.  The cells divide and divide again and somewhere along the line some of them turn into bone, some muscle, a heart, a liver, a brain and so on.  These are not random events but rather precisely timed and executed events for everything to work out.  I don’t claim to have any special knowledge on human development but one thing I do know is that very precise and minute amounts of specific chemicals (hormones) are involved in the creation of life.  They are the factory directors.  The amounts required for some functions are likened to a drop of water in a Olympic sized swimming pool, (ppb) but they are instructions.  Think of the tens of thousands of lines of computer code that goes into putting the space shuttle up but somewhere in those thousands of lines of code are simple instructions like “launch” or “hold”, like a drop of water in a swimming pool but what would happen if something corrupted that little part of the code?

For their to be a conspiracy somebody must benefit.  The bigger the payoff the bigger, the more sophisticated the conspiracy.  This conspiracy is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, you figure it out.  

Putting it all together:

Back at the beginning of life, the cells divide, some do this some do that, all under direction of minute chemicals called hormones.  So what happens when the instructions get skewed?  Somebody peed in the pool.  The outcome can be far from perfect.  Of all the parts of the body, one is more sensitive than others to ‘faulty instructions.’  That part is the sex organs.  

It was said in 1970 (about) that the human body contained over 400 chemicals that didn’t exist in 1950.  I’ll bet the number is in the thousands now.  So, how many of these chemicals get mixed in the genetic code by mistake or just because they are there or imitate normal hormones?  Look it up on the WEB.  Search: “Hormone Disrupting Chemicals”, there are hundreds if not thousands of documents on the subject.

The conspirators:

So where do these chemicals come from?  Chemical and Pharmaceutical companies and they have hundreds of billions of dollars at stake here.  Dow, Dupont, Glaxo-Cline, Phizer, Abbot, Bausch & Lomb, etc. there are hundreds maybe thousands of companies in just (  the US and there are the companies that produce chemicals for our other ‘needs’ like the plastic bottles we are so much in love with, the thousands and thousands of other products made of plastic, fertilizers, weed killers, insecticides, insulation, fire retardants, the list goes on forever.

These chemicals don’t necessarily just go away.  DDT was banned about 1970 and it is still around and causing us grief.  These chemicals are getting into our bodies and causing all kinds of havoc and the biggest one is to our sexuality.  But of course ‘they’ don’t want to be blamed for that.  They have spent millions on the PR convincing people they are screwed up ‘by choice.’  You don’t have to believe me, look it up yourself.  Billions are at stake and ‘they’ know it.  They have influenced everybody from the media (Hollywood) to our politicians who we all know are on the take, and take they do.   But that is another story.  Check this unrelated story for example.  Proves my point.  (

Sorry for the length but it isn’t a simple problem.

Top Doctor Reveals Many Transgenders Regret Surgery, Want Reversal

The Western Journal, By Randy DeSoto
October 22, 2018

Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, a world-leading genital reconstructive surgeon, says he and other colleagues are seeing increasing numbers of those who have undergone sex-change surgery wanting to transition back.

“Those wishing the reversal, Djordjevic says, have spoken to him about crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide,” the British National Post reported.

The 52-year-old Serbian said, “It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,” but he added their stories are not being heard.

full article


I am looking forward to hunting season...but I do have a question.

If I shoot a buck, but I only have a doe tag, can I claim that the buck wasn't really a buck?

I mean … maybe he'd always wanted to be a doe, but with no choice of his own he was born with the physical attributes of a male. And yet … on the inside he'd always known he was truly a female.

I'm just wondering if I can get the game warden to buy that bullshit, because society and the Supreme Court does...