Fake Pandemic

Pandemic File continued

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Top Stories, Ignored by the media

CDC Wants To Require Covid ID to Vote
The CDC looking at instituting a new policy. In many states, if you are voting in person, you must show photo identification at the polls in order to vote. Now the CDC wants a voter must present a Covid vaccination card in lieu of other required voter ID. The vaccination ID would be mandatory, other Voter ID is not required. This is a concession to states which require voter ID.

The House is considering adding this change to HR 1 and HR 4 given the recent reversal of CDC rulings on evictions by the Supreme Court. In other words, Democrats have agreed to accept this voter ID substitution to satisfy opponents. Here is the proposed change to HR1: Eliminate voter ID and require voters to present a vaccination ID. It is also noted that Zombies and dead people will still be able to vote as long as they can provide vaccination ID.
Twitter Files Reveal Hillary Clinton — Of Course! — Was Behind Censorship Push
The major media have deliberately ignored the revelations about Twitter censorship that have been drip, drip, dripping out the past few weeks in a series called the #TwitterFiles because, of course, the media fully endorsed the censorship regime that existed before Elon Musk bought the company.
Ex-Enron executive and billionaire John Arnold is under fire from Texas Republicans for reportedly funneling millions into groups trying to censor supposed “disinformation.” Ironically, Enron is the same company that went bankrupt from corruption and fraud.
Ex-Enron Exec Slammed by Republicans for Bankrolling Censorship Efforts
New documents show the cover-up is even WORSE than we thought
new report shows that the Department of Defense controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning… and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up. These documents were obtained by a former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization Sasha Latypova.

U.S. government, CDC colluded with Google, Twitter, Facebook to censor important information about experimental covid vaccines.

Sunday, July 31, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms. AFL obtained 256 pages of communication between the CDC), Google, Facebook and Twitter. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide evidence that the Federal Government violated the Nuremberg Code.

AFL President Stephen Miller issued a statement:

These explosive smoking-gun documents, obtained as a result of America First Legal's litigation against the Biden Administration, conclusively demonstrate that Big Tech has unlawfully colluded with the federal government to silence, censor, and suppress Americans’ free speech and violate their First Amendment rights. Government is expressly prohibited from censoring competing or dissenting viewpoints or from silencing its political opponents whether it does so directly or whether it uses an outside corporation to achieve its draconian, totalitarian ends. AFL will not rest in the fight against illegal collusion between Big Tech and Big Government to trample on your voices and the Bill of Rights.

In July 2021, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki revealed that the Biden administration was “regularly making sure” to identify public health “disinformation” while working with social media networks to have it removed. “And we work to engage with them [Big Tech] to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies,” Psaki proclaimed in July of last year. The Biden regime went public with their censorship goals, targeting twelve sources of information that they claimed were “the dirty disinformation dozen.” The Biden regime subsequently called on Big Tech to completely remove these individuals from all social media platforms.

Natural News

Fauci Gets Monkey Pox at Cuomo Rave

By Dogfaceponia on July 8, 2022

In breaking news after 4 Covid vaccines, 2 Monkey Pox vaccines and 2 rounds of Paxlovid. Anthony Fauci has developed Monkey Pox (or is it Donkey Pox). He has reported a few days back he attended game night with his friends the Cuomo Brothers. At game night, they played their favorite game Pandemic. We have no word if the Cuomo Brothers are infected.

What we have learned is that no matter how many vaccines you get you can still get Covid. We also know that Paxlovid is about as effective at spreading Covid as the Pfizer Vaccine.

Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Against Serious Disease and Death, Data From the Netherlands and Canada Show.

by Will Jones, 16 July 2022 7:00 AM

The effectiveness of the Covid vaccines against serious disease declines to zero and turns negative within 12 months, official figures from the Netherlands show.

UK Gov. report admits 18.9 Million people still remain Unvaccinated in England & 50% of the country has refused the Booster but 90% of COVID Deaths since April were among the Triple Vaccinated.

PayPal has just “defunded” The Exposé for a 2nd Time; they're trying to control your choices and shut us down.. sounds like proof to me, gb

Virologist tells BMJ the Hepatitis of Unknown Cause killing Children is due to AstraZeneca Viral Vector COVID Vaccine in combination with Lockdowns.

The media doesn't want to show you what is going on… https://twitter.com/AntonioSabatoJr/status/1617369448826179585?s=20

It Begins: New Zealand Doctors Send Letter Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations

By Jim Hoft, Published July 12, 2022 at 3:16pm

New Zealand medical professionals have penned an open letter to the authorities requesting that an investigation be conducted into the deaths that have occurred since vaccinations for Covid were administered.

An unredacted version of the letter from the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) is being prepared for the police, according to the news release.

“There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times,” NZDSOS said in a statement. “We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies.”

“Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers,” NZDSOS added.

Dr. Deborah Birx admits she deceived Trump to push COVID measures

'I couldn't do anything that would reveal my true intention'

By Art Moore, Published July 18, 2022 WND

Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump, has admitted in a new book that she manipulated data and quietly altered CDC guidance without authorization.

Watchdog Claims Fauci, Others, at NIH Received Hundreds of Millions in Big Pharma Royalty Payments

According to Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski, Fauci and the others at the NIH haven't just doled out billions in dollars for research grants over the past few decades. They've also, according to Andrzejewski, received hundreds of millions of dollars in cash flowing back toward them from pharmaceutical companies and other interested parties.

News on that comes from the Open the Books Substack, in which he wrote:

We estimate that between fiscal years 2010 and 2020, more than $350 million in royalties were paid by third-parties to the agency and NIH scientists – who are credited as co-inventors.

Because those payments enrich the agency and its scientists, each and every royalty payment could be a potential conflict of interest and needs disclosure.

Recently, our organization at OpenTheBooks.com forced NIH to disclose over 22,100 royalty payments totaling nearly $134 million paid to the agency and nearly 1,700 NIH scientists. These payments occurred during the most recently available period (September 2009 – September 2014).

Chinese Doctor Says COVID-19 Release was Intentional

Chinese Dr. Li-Meng Yan says COVID-19 was lab-produced and released intentionally.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist, stated that the virus was “no accident.” That it was lab-produced and released with intent.

President Trump was destroying China's plans of world domination and China's economy. We saw this back in early 2020. The US economy was setting records for the greatest economy in history, it had nearly doubled China's. If there ever was a reason for China to drop a bio-weapon, the fact that China's economy was imploding and Trump's economy was the greatest ever, was enough reason for China to drop the COVID-19 bioweapon intentionally.

On Friday, Dr. Li-Meng Yan was on with Joe Hoft and she discussed her research of COVID beginning in late 2019 from Hong Kong where she was a virologist working as a Ph.D. at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Yan fled China after providing evidence that the COVID-19 virus was created in a laboratory.

Dr. Yan was first on the airwaves in June 2021 to discuss COVID-19's origins in the US: Patriot Alerts.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The American Government Authorized the Ruination of Millions of Women's Bodies"

The weird thing about the Pfizer documents is how obvious it was that this injection was studying the effect on the reproductive system. It's supposed to be for a respiratory virus. Why are you dissecting the genitals of rats?" asked Dr. Naomi Wolf.
"So there is no way to avoid the conclusion ... that the American government authorized the ruination of millions of women's bodies knowingly with this injection."

As COVID Hit, Leftist and RINO Elites Traded Stocks

By Atlas Shrugs - on November 2, 2022

Why is America standing for this banana republic corruption? These cosseted elitists would have us believe that they just guessed right and were incredibly lucky. Obviously they exploited the inside information to which they were privy and benefited immensely from doing so.Everyone who made money on COVID ought to be barred from public office forever. That will never happen, however, because the people who oversee the government's law enforcement apparatus are even more corrupt than these stock traders. The rot has gone very deep. Washington needs a thorough housecleaning. With Exquisite Timing

“As COVID Hit, Lawmakers Traded Stocks ‘With Exquisite Timing’: WSJ,” by Lee Barney, Newsmax, October 19, 2022:
At least 400 officials at 50 leading government agencies, including the Pentagon and the Treasury, bought and sold stocks of major U.S. companies that were the most impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Landmark Anti-Lab Leak Paper Was Covertly Influenced By Compromised Scientists

November 14, 2022

One of the most influential papers arguing against the COVID-19 lab-leak theory was covertly crafted by three scientists with substantial histories of conducting gain-of-function research, an investigation by U.S. Right To Know revealed.ಞ

Boston Univ. Creates COVID Superstrain, Combines Original Strain with Omicron Variant

Nick Kangadis | October 18, 2022

Folks, at this point believe what you want. I'm just the messenger who likes to put a little stank on the facts. I, as well as MRCTV's Gard Goldsmith, have been reporting FACTUALLY on the Chinese coronavirus, the Wuhan laboratory it most likely originated from and the subsequent “vaccine” that was trotted out to “allegedly” prevent transmission. We've used actual science, CDC reports, WHO reports and interviews with formerly highly respected doctors — who are no longer highly respected simply because they didn't fall in line with “the message.”

So, for this next story, take it as a warning or completely ignore it. Again, I'm just the messenger.

Scientists/eugenicists at Boston University are under fire for taking multiple COVID strains and creating a reportedly deadlier strain. The Daily Mail is reporting that these scientists took the original Wuhan strain and combined it with the highly infectious Omicron variant to create a new strain that “killed 80 per cent of mice in a study.”

Now, of course, we don't know how badly this man-made virus would affect actual human beings, but an 80 percent death rate in testing — even among mice — should be cause for concern.

This is precisely the “science” that President Joe Biden's outgoing COVID czar Dr. Anthony Fauci said wasn't going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that gave us COVID in the first place.

According to the Daily Mail report:
In the new research , which has not been peer-reviewed, a team of researchers from Boston and Florida extracted Omicron's spike protein — the unique structure that binds to and invades human cells. It has always been present but it has become more evolved over time. Omicron has dozens of mutations in its spike protein that made it so infectious. Researchers attached Omicron's spike protein to the original wildtype strain that first emerged in Wuhan at the start of the pandemic. The researchers looked at how mice fared under the new hybrid strain compared to the original Omicron variant.

Again, eight out of the 10 mice tested with the man-made strain died.

Hopefully, there's no one at Boston University who has a major axe to grind and introduces this strain into the population. Even accidentally, messing around with viruses like the one they've reportedly just created is sketchy at best. https://www.mrctv.org/blog/wtf-boston-univ-creates-covid-superstrain-combines-original-strain-omicron-variant

Scientists Have Recreated World's Deadliest Flu Virus

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Fact Checked, September 08, 2022

Scientists in the U.S. and Canada have resurrected the Spanish flu virus through reverse genetics. Not surprisingly, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are involved.

The scientists appear frustrated by the fact that their reverse engineered Spanish flu virus — even at the highest doses tested — was not lethal enough to kill the macaque species selected for the experiment. They argue we need to make a more dangerous version of the Spanish flu to be able to make better vaccines for it. This despite the fact that, until they resurrected it, it no longer existed in nature.

If the definition proves you wrong, change the definition.

CDC Changed the Definition of ‘Vaccine’

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered the definition of “vaccine” because of concern that the definition didn’t apply to COVID-19 vaccines.

Mandate - Legal Definition - Blacks Law Dictionary, 11th edition

Mandate (16c) 4. Roman and civil law.
A writing command given by a principal to an agent; specif., a commission or contract by which one person (the mandatory) requests someone (the mandatory) to perform some service gratuitously, the commission becoming effective when the mandatory agrees.

So, it is only mandatory, if you agree to it. Mandates are not laws.
Gateway Pundit...

Pulmonary Nurse for 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients Following COVID Protocols

Albert Spence is a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience. He recently gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature on "therapeutic options" for COVID-19.

Spike Proteins targeted and damaged the inner lining of the blood vessels made up of endothelial cells.

One month later, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study in which Covid victims had 9-times more blood clots than those who were reported to have died of the H1N1 flu. From Weber WEB site.

Getting More Jab-Wise:

A Molecular Biologist Speaks Out ~ Read article here: https://wp.me/p2X3AR-RK7 - Follow TLB on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/thetlbproject

Australian Police Officer Speaks for Fellow Officers against Vax

09-26-21 Alexander Cooney, a senior Highway Patrol officer in the Australian NSW Police Force, resigned his position to speak for his fellow officers who are not allowed to speak publicly without violating the terms of their employment.

Federal Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings on Covid Vax: ‘Government Shoves Adverse Effect Reporting Under the Mat’ (VIDEO)

September 20, 2021

Jodi O’Malley, a federal whistleblower who works for the Health and Human Services went public with secret recordings revealing the truth about the Covid vaccines.

‘The government doesn’t want to show the COVID vaccine is full of sh*t,’ an ER doctor who works for the HHS said. ‘They want to shove adverse effect reporting ‘under the mat.’

A registered nurse was recorded saying she has seen “a lot” of vaccinated people get sick with side effects but “no one is writing the VAERS report because it takes a half an hour to write the damn thing.”

Over 600 Google employees challenge being forced to upload their vaccination status to a central database

Over 600 Google employees have signed a letter opposing the company's plan to extend its vaccine rules and force employees to upload their vaccination status to a central database. The letter cites several issues including the privacy of medical information and non-inclusivity.
The Biden administration recently ordered that all companies based in the US with more than 100 employees should enforce vaccine passports for employees by January 4. Google responded by asking its more than 150,000 employees to upload proof of vaccination in an internal system by December 3, even if they plan to continue working remotely, internal documents obtained by CNBC revealed.
The company has also said that all employees that directly or indirectly handle government contracts need to upload proof of vaccination, even if they work remotely.

Irish senator proposes vaccine passports should be needed to buy groceries

A Senator in Ireland has said that the government should consider banning those without a vaccine passport from public transportation and supermarkets, in one of the most extreme Covid proposals to date.

“Why not supermarkets? Why not public transport?” Senator Gerry Horkan asked. “I know it is difficult to police some of these things, but really, if you want to participate in society, you need to be vaccinated.”

Red Wine Molecule Aborts Covid-19 Infection Before Symptoms or Antibodies Arise

Due To Prior Exposure To Coronaviruses Healthcare Workers Found To Exhibit Immunity BEFORE Antibodies Or Symptoms Can Occur.

Red Wine Molecule Resveratrol Promotes A Type Of T-Cell That Literally Aborts Infection And Symptoms Typically Seen In These Workers.

It is relevant to see where Mike Bloomberg – and his Bloomberg Philanthropies – spend their money. And it happens that Bloomberg Philanthropies spends money at the CDC as well as on health data entities which calculate and report causes of death statistics, which would include COVID-19 statistics. Fri Feb 12, 2021

TRENDING: Recently CDC Quietly Updated COVID–19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID–19 Alone – The Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses. This statement caused a global panic. We, however, knew it was wrong and we wrote about it on March 17, 2020". Here is the video of Dr. Ghebreyesus's remarks.

Currently (07-09-20) .04% of the American Population has died with a corona virus designated death. (a disputed figure because they are labeling just about all deaths as covid, 42% of those deaths were in nursing homes. Remember some democratic governors forced nursing homes to take in covid positive patients?

☠ ☠ ☠

Records show Fauci-led NIAID gave Wuhan Lab $826k for Bat Coronavirus Research

Judicial watch obtained 301 pages of document from the U.S. department of health and Human Services revealing that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavrius research by the National Institute of allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID), which is headed by Dr, Anthony Fauci. Judicial Watch

UK Funeral Director Says Variant Deaths are Really Vaccine Deaths.

John O’Looney has been a funeral director in the UK for over 15 years. In this video of a conversation with Max Igan, an Internet commentator in Australia, O’Looney says that he and his fellow funeral directors are being pressured, bribed, and threatened to conceal the true cause of death for those who they prepare for burial. He says none of them have died from Covid but from serious illnesses they had before they were exposed to Covid.

Idaho Doctor Reports a “20-Times Increase” of Cancer in Vaxxed Patients

September 17, 2021 Lifesite News

Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of the largest independent diagnostics lab in Idaho, reported to the public in a state-sponsored video that he is seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in cancer and autoimmune diseases in patients who have been vaccinated. He says the vaccines seem to be causing autoimmune issues due to a drop in “killer T-cells,” often known as “CD8 cells”. Dr. Cole said that, as a result of this “killer T-cell” suppression, he is seeing an “uptick” of, not only endometrial cancer, but also melanomas, herpes, shingles, mono, and a huge rise in HPV. Dr. Cole's videos have been censored by YouTube.

2020: Anyone claiming there will be a vaccination passport is a conspiracy theorist and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped!
2021: Anyone opposed to a vaccination passport is a conspiracy theorist and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped!

Since Biden took office

Seriously!! You think this is a coincidence?


Go here for Griffin's headline stories seen below.
(More) Headlines
The Rest of the story.    https://dcdirtylaundry.com/

So if you can get a market of 7.2 billion people, lets say on average spending about a thousand bucks a year, that is a 7.2 trillion dollar recurring market. Now imagine this, if you could get the government so afraid that they impose this as a mandate, now you have created a consortium so GABBY is leading this consortium with two of its cylinders, Gates Foundation & Clinton Global Initiative, which are probably already being funded in many incestuous ways. … Whenever you do marketing campaigns what do you do? First you do a soft launch, a beta launch and a gold launch. The soft launch was event 1.2, test it out etc. In my view, we are in the middle of the Beta launch than a gold launch. The full launch will probably be next year if they pull this off and scare everyone.
(From Shiva interview, shiva_interview.htm )

CDC Forced To Admit That Natural Immunity Works

Well … the CDC received a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request back in September that essentially said ‘put up or shut up” …that is, show us all the evidence you have that there is no natural immunity to COVID.

Read the CDC’s response … the CDC admitted that is has no —zero-nada-zilch— evidence that there is no natural immunity to COVID. In other words, the CDC admitted, albeit implicitly, that there is no need to be vaccinated against COVID if you have had COVID … because if you have had COVID your natural immunity protects you from being reinfected with COVID.

Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decision makers that are currently managing this crisis.

Email Shows Biden’s FDA Pressured Google To Take Down YouTube Video On Monoclonal Antibody Drug

Biden Team Cannot Show Vaccines Reduce Transmission of Covid

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration attempted to pressure a Google lobbyist into suppressing a YouTube video about a monoclonal antibody drug and its potential use against COVID-19, according to an email reported by Alex Berenson.

An email from April 30 reportedly shows FDA social media director Brad Kimberly writing to Jan Fowler Antonaros, a lobbyist for YouTube’s parent company Google, about a three-minute video about the drug leronlimab. “I just wanted to flag a video that we believe is misleading when it comes to COVID-19,” says the email, written the same day the video was posted.

media being instructed to stand down so Canadian's won't know what is taking place

meanwhile at the CDC, Harry, Curly and Moe • • • un-vaccinated people are not to be referred to as pure bloods.
Did you know, the CDC says no children under the age of 19 have died with covid

The exact same symptoms and side effects as the vaccine

Why are doctor being prevented from prescribing a treatment? American Front Line Doctors were talking about their experiences, how they had so much success with the hydroxychloroquine, they had a public hearing and then they were silenced, their WEB site was taken down and even one of the doctors was fired, another was slandered, there were repercussions for speaking out. Talks were and are deleted from facebook and twitter. #hydroxychloroquineworks Tweet is now repressed, try it. 1,700 medical professionals backed up by tens of thousands of people from the public W.H.O. wrote a letter to the government with two messages. Letter from 2,352 doctors: “It is extremely concerning that doctors and scientists are being silenced, shamed and blamed for speaking out about the existing, effective, safe, cheap and widely available treatments for covid-19. Why are governments banning these effective, cheap and safe treatments while pushing and rushing towards an unsafe, untested vaccine?”

In Spain 600 medical doctors denounced Covid-19 as a "Fake Pandemic". This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse and it has been planned with a political purpose. In Germany over 1500 doctors and medical professionals came out in a national press conference and said the following: Dr Heiko Schoning: "We as medical doctors have serious doubts that the official story with covid-19 is true. in fact, we have a lot of evidence that it is a fake story all over the world. To speak to all my medical colleagues: we see the evidence and it is very obvious. If we have the medical evidence that this is a scam, that this is not true, we need to ask ourselves WHY?? W.H.O. gets the profits out of this? If you look behind the curtains, you see this medical story with covid-19 we have the medical facts is a scam, it's fake. So we need to ask: W.H.O. gets the benefit out of this and W.H.O. has the power to create this fake? The target are you. You the citizen, you and the economy. It's about the economy. Covid-19 seems to be just the cover story."

Netherlands Dr. Rob Elens a GP had every single corona patient recover in 4 days using hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc. He was required to STOP healing people or he would lose his medical license. He made a video of all existing treatments for covid-19,it had 10,000 views is just a couple of hours. youtube removed it. They do not want people to know there are existing and safe treatments for covid-19.

Dr. Brownstein M.D. from Michigan treated over 150 corona patients, some in critical condition, was able to treat and cure them.

Dr Richard Bartle M.D. from Texas, recognized as a quality medical expert, has treated over 500 corona patients with a cheap and simple asthma medicine that has been around for decades. Let me tell you what I heard when patients started using this. "I feel better during the first treatment." Startling recovery rates. Budesonide, an inhaler. It is not rocket science, it is a cure.

Open Letter from Physicians to Universities: Allow Students Back Without COVID Vaccine Mandate.

May 14, 2021 Dr. Paul M. Kempen, MD and PhD, wrote an open letter to universities and colleges, on behalf of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, which he is current president, asking them to reconsider their policy mandating COVID-19 vaccination for students before they return to campus. He listed 15 reasons why young healthy students should not take the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, including that the shots have yet to be proven to treat, cure or prevent any disease at this time, and can have serious side effects, including death. He warned that the schools might be liable for damages, poor health outcomes, and loss of life due to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies.

The NCHS currently lists 967,748 deaths where COVID-19 was listed as the underlying or contributing cause of death. However, its death count for those under 18 is actually lower than the data tracker figure.

CDC Responds After Reporting Fewer COVID-19 Pediatric Deaths, By Zachary Stieber, March 19, 2022 Updated: March 21, 2022
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says its removal tens of thousands of deaths it had attributed to COVID-19 happened because the agency was mistakenly counting deaths not related to COVID-19.

The CDC removed 72,277 deaths, including 416 among children, that were said to have been from COVID-19 from its data tracker webpage this week.

“CDC constantly reviews our COVID-19 data to ensure its accuracy,” Jasmine Reed, a spokeswoman for the agency, told The Epoch Times in an email, adding that the adjustment was made “because CDC's algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related.”

The CDC had not announced when the change was made. On its website, the agency described the update as a statement from the resolution of a “coding logic error.”

The Epoch Times has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal communications relating to the change, which included the removal of some 24 percent of pediatric deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Reed said the CDC often has incomplete data when figures are first reported to the agency from states.

“Our rigorous quality control measures help us identify when new information changes our understanding of data that has previously been reported,” she wrote.

The data tracker now reports 782,371 deaths from COVID-19.

That's different from a separate measure, compiled from death certificates and managed by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).