Letter response to RNC 3-9-21

I got another request for donation from you today. It was in the guise of a poll or something trying to give the illusion you wanted to know how I felt about the issues. That is easy.

You are liars and frauds!!!

You are supporting some; so-called, Republicans that are more liberal than some liberals. Some people call them RINOS, That stands for Republicans In Name Only!!! I’m guessing you didn’t know that.

I’ve been telling you this for several years but a quick search of the internet tells me this idea is catching fire. But your just self-serving bastards, you won’t change. Don’t worry, I will keep spreading the word.. Democrats and Republicans are buddies in bed.

Because of you Biden won this election, you and your fucking do nothing attitude.

Fuck you all!!!

From somebody really sick of your lying bull shit!!!

May you rot is liars hell

barry sotero